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Created Jul 2020


  • [R1881]


DEA CODE 4000: Schedule 3

Methyltrienolone (MT) is a very potent, reasonably toxic, non-aromatizing steroid. Ok. Lets go over those three points again. First of all, MT is potent. It binds so strongly to the AR (androgen receptor) that it is often used in studies on other androgens to measure how strongly they bind. In other words, this stuff binds onto the AR receptor so strongly that it is pretty much the benchmark for that quality. If you've read my profile on Trenbolone Acetate (TA), you'll note that I said TA is the most potent injectable weapon in our arsenal with regards to ability to bind to the Androgen receptor. That's still true, because this particular compound is not in our arsenal, and its not injectable... its simply the oral version of TA (i.e. it is Trenbolone which has undergone modification to become orally active, via the addition of a 17-alph-methyl group). So why is it important that this stuff binds so tightly to the AR? Well, Androgen Receptors are found in both fat cells as well as muscle cells; they act on the AR in muscle cells to promote growth, and in the fat cells to affect fat burning. The stronger the androgen binds to the A.R, the higher the lipolytic (fat burning) effect on adipose (fat)tissue. Unfortunately, that strong binding doesn't also automatically mean that it will elicit the strongest possible anabolic response, nor that the weakest bind will elicit a weak anabolic response.

One of the most powerful / most hepatotoxic:
Steroid experts William Llewellyn and Patrick Arnold have each called methyltrienolone one of the "most powerful" anabolic steroids ever created. It is also one of the most hepatotoxic androgens ever produced. Originally developed by Roussell-UCLAF during the 1960s, the hepatoxicity of Metribolone prevented its commercial release. Bill Roberts likened the toxicity of methyltrienolone to that of taking high dosages of Anadrol combined with high dosages of Halotestin concurrently. According to Patrick Arnold, several athletes used methyltrienolone in the 1990s and were able to successfully pass doping controls looking for methyltrienolone due to the very small quantities of the steroid required for performance enhancing effects. He was somewhat surprised that methyltrienolone was detected by drug testers in the Greek steroid scandal suggesting that anti-doping tests have improved for the substance; 11 Greek weighlifters and 4 Greek track and field athletes tested positive for methyltrienolone prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Want to know how this drug works after entering your body? Here's how:
Methyltrienolone, after being metabolized by stomach acids reaches androgen receptors and strongly binds with them. Androgens are basically male sex hormones that are responsible for producing anabolic effects. Note here that the primary tool that helps these hormones generate these anabolic effects are androgen receptors. They stimulate several genes that lead to increases in muscle mass and strength. Testosterone (one of the many androgens) is the key hormone responsible for your body's growth and repair. Androgen receptors ensure that the body is responding appropriately to this secreted hormone. Testosterone binds with these receptors and reaches the skeletal muscle cells where it plays its role. Methyltrienolone, by strongly binding with the androgen receptors, helps set off the effects of testosterone, thereby facilitating gains in muscle mass and strength.

Question: What is the steroid cycle when using the most dangerous and powerful steroid drug methyltrienolone?
Answer: It's not the most dangerous and powerful anabolic steroid known, that title is held by its chemical cousin, dimethyltrienolone. Well, at least on paper, as you possibly have to run a dose so low to tolerate the side effects, it falls apart.

Don't mess with methyltrienolone, it's used to induce prostate cancer in rats, and is just bad all around. There are many other more sane alternatives.

Side effects:
Back-up of bile acid in the liver, liver enzymes, blood in the urine, increase of aggressiveness, acne, hair growth, hair loss, sleep disorders, libido overload, excessive sweating, gynecomastia

Application / dosage:
From bodybuilder circles was reported separately from dosages between 5 - 10 mg. The dosage information given here is not intended as a dosage recommendation or medical advice. These are statements by bodybuilders who have used or used these active ingredients. The dosages should never be regarded as generally valid. If you are using the idea of using steroids or similar, ask a doctor or pharmacist.

Black market prices / availability:
Methyltrienolone is very rarely available on the black market. There are no current prices.

2008 Beijing Olympics:
"There are 15 people, all with the same substance. This is the strangest thing, because it leads to the conclusion that there is an organized effort," Minos Kyriakou told The Associated Press. The athletes - 11 weightlifters, three runners and a swimmer - all tested positive for methyltrienolone, a banned steroid. "There is an organized crime - because that is what this is called," Kyriakou said. "Because it seems there is a lot of money hidden there, a lot of profit."

Metribolone, also known as methyltrienolone, an anabolic agent, binds to the androgen receptor and was studied for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. However, because of the liver toxicity, further development of this drug was discontinued. Now, this compound is used for research purpose as synthetic androgen.

Methyltrienolone History:
Methyltrienolone was first described in 1965. It was immediately identified as an extremely potent anabolic agent, far more potent than the commercially available agents of the time. In spite of its high relative activity, however, methyltrienolone has seen very limited use in humans. It was used clinically during the late 1960's and early '70's, most notably in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. Here, its exceedingly strong anabolic/androgenic action helps the drug counter the local effects of endogenous estrogens, lending it some efficacy for slowing or even regressing tumor growth. Such application was not long lived, however, as more realistic evaluations of the drug's toxicity soon led to its abandonment in human medicine.

Metribolone is the 17a-methylated derivative of the trenbolone. Metribolone was first described in the literature in 1965. It was studied clinically in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most notably in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. The drug was found to be effective and showed weak androgenicity, but also produced severe signs of hepatotoxicity, and was ultimately never marketed. By the mid-1970s, metribolone was becoming an accepted standard as a ligand and agonist of the AR in scientific research. It remains in wide use for this purpose today. Aside from scientific research, metribolone has also been encountered as an AAS in non-medical contexts, for instance in doping in sports and bodybuilding.

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